UTP EduCamp 2015

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and good morning/afternoon/evening/night peeps.


so,, last december/november 2014(can't remember :(( ) i applied for utp foundation programme for March intake. my choices are :--
1) Civil engineering
2) Petroleum engineering
3) ICT

tak expect apa-apa but of course teringin nak dipilih lol even tho i don't really like engineering (MEH.)

and result keluar 31st January 2015~~ jajannnn~ Bila check, i was shortlisted. huhu happy jugak lah because application utk MJHEP kena reject . *sobs sobs* At first, i wasn't sure what to reply. Yes ke No ke.. Asked my father about it and my father buat donno je lol seriously abah. >..< and finally I decided to go to get some experience sikit pasal interview dek kerana lepas SPM memang jadi penganggur terhormat je kat rumah. Cari kerja pun mcm malas sgt *harharhar*

Educamp tu sampai 4 hari. My session was on 9th February 2015. Moarrning session pulak tuh. So~~ mari mulakan adventure ke UTP ~jajajajn~

I didn't prepare anything at first because I decided to decide that I don't have to decide anymore. EH hahaha i decided not to read anything because I'm such a loser and lazy ass kiddo . lol but then time midnight baru kelam kabut download TSA questions and CPSQ (?) sample questions and then i gave up pasal susah gila hahaha otak karat kot. Since my batch punya educamp is quite different than the previous educamp. Interview dia cuma pendek and the "chosen" candidates have to answer Cambridge TSA questions (Thinking Skills Assessment) and CPSQ (personality punya questions, don't worry. the questions are easy if you understand your own soul. huh?) So lepas penat sakit hati tgok sample questions TSA tu terus tiduq jelah.

9th FEBRUARY 2015

Woke up really early , sbb dah terbiasa bangun pukul 6.30-7 am lepas spm lol teruk betul kan? I pun bersiap and tolak pukul 6.30 am (from Ipoh to Seri Iskandar/Tronoh). Sampai sana , kalau tak silap pukul 7.15-7.30 am kot. But it's okay registration sampai 8.00 am. Sampai je sana, ramai gila student beratur panjangg. I was like perghh sibuk je kome lol. Berbaris jelahh. Depan dan belakang semua tinggi-tinggi. I felt like a dwarf je sbb pendek sgt huhuhu (nak buat macam mana, i'm a petite *perasan jap* #poyo)

credit goes to tumblrrr~~

Waktu sampai sana, takdalah nak jakon sangat lol . I've went there a few times so meh but still university tu cantik gilerzzzzz. Ok continue,. Tgh beratur tu adalah jenguk kiri kanan atas bawah depan belakang, mana tau ada kwn sekolah ke tapi mcm tk de je. HOHOHO SEDIH GILA SO I WAS ALONE JE. But then, ternampak bayangan seorang wanita and that lady H is my ex-tuition classmate time PMR dulu. haha finally ada pun geng kalau x sedih i. :3 Time beratur, ada staff(?) bagi mcm kad(utk tentukan group and number giliran). I forgot what number , 11 kot and dpt Group C. Time register bagi segala benda yg diperlukan and then terus masuk chancellor hall. Huhuhu hall dia pun cun :D

Ok then masuk hall tu lepas tu kena duduk ikut group. Luckily my tuition classmate, lady H aka my ex-tuition classmate pun group C. So we sat next to each other :3 depan kami ada kwn lady H and some boyz. (Yeah ada sekali nak tersepak kepala laki depan lol luckily tak kena and dia pun x sedar hahahah i'm sorry brader) Maka, bermulalah ceramah ~~~ /___\ ''Lady H'' was doing some revision and then online sat pastu sambung balik and then distracted balik lol. Aku pulak dengar je ceramah tu tapi yeah masuk telinga kanan, keluaq telinga kiri. ''Lady H'' asked apa yg sir tu ckp, and i was like *blur~~*

cr to tumblr jugak huhu and oppar <3 liar game <3 best psychology drama everrr
Ok after that, time pukul 9 mcm tu, semua students/candidates bergerak ke kawasan 'kelas'(?). And we went to computer lab for group C. And first, CPSQ(?) test start dulu. Hmm, I think the test is just okay-okay lah compared to TSA (otak karat nak buat macam mana). And then, after siapkan test CPSQ, boleh rest kejap. I pun pergi lah toilet sat. Saja nak tengok jengjalan. Sakit badan duduk lama2 dalam lab tu lol. And then, tadaaa start exam TSA. HOHOHOHOHO. THE QUESTIONS WERE BLOODY HARD ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DIDN'T DO ANY REVISION HARHARHAR . But luckily basic add math x lupa. (Question tu mcm probability+english+maths+logic+idek)

Setelah menjawab semua soalan dengan penuh berkarisma, tibalah masa interview. At first i thought the interview will be held in a small hall ke apa ke mcm dlm blog kakak2/abam2 UTP yg post psl educamp. But neyyy, short interview je dekat dlm lab tu. Ada a few lecturers(lecturers lah kot or maybe i should call them interviewerz or watever) asked questions mcm :-

  • your name,ambition, why do u choose this course, basically about you. YES YOU PRECIOUS KID.
  • current issues
  • issues mcm hmmmm traffic ke apa ke. (mostly isu yang bermasalah lol :- traffic congestion / etc etc etc)
Interviewer yg tanya i tu lady. And she asked me :- what's your name, and then terus tanya how to reduce traffic congestion. and mcm biasa lah i ni shy shy cat and cepat blur and cepat lupa so i was like... "........." . Then bagi 3 ideas, (well actually only 1 idea, and the other 2 ideas tu sebenarnya elaboration dia ja lol punyalah confident jawab) and then she asked hmm do u have any question? and once again blur blur, and then ckp no and then ,,,, habis mcm tu je. haha. After that, keluar bilik lari terkedek-kedek cari makanan and cari ayah lol. Lepas tu balik ~~~ THE END.

Basically short interview tu just untuk test kita punya english - grammar, pronunciation and yadda yadda. But don't worry if you think you're not good in English. Ada je yg pronunciation xberapa elok tapi yg penting confident kena kuad. Orait itu sahaja.

  1. Be confident. Jangan over sudah.
  2. Practice your speaking skills. Sbb engrish iz importante 4 ur lyfe.
  3. Ambil tahu pasal your course, just in case if the interviewer will ask you anything that is related to your course. (luckily tak kena yeay!!)
  4. Pergi sana awal pagi because why? Dapat group awal and after habis semua session boleh balik awal /HOYEAHH/ (Oh ikut sesi jugak, kalau sesi petang pun datang je awal. Be punctual okay tak ada masalah pun)
  5. Don't forget to eat breakfast. Pasaipa? Pasai kat sana tak disediakan makanan hahaha. Yang ada un gerai kecik luar dewan tapi gerai tu jual burger je(?) and bukak lambat. Basically kome datang terus line up and masuk dewan so you don't have much time to eat unless kalau kome ni mmg jenis suka curi-curi makan dalam kelas then bwk senyap2 okay hahahah.
  6. Practice probability (math & add math) for TSA questions. It'll help you A LOT!!!
  7. Hmm basically stationery jgn lupa nak bawak, including calculator. Senang sikit takdelah nak meminjam barang orang.
  8. Hmm practice sample TSA and CPSQ questions. Senang je, download online ok.
  9. Ok kalau x dpt toksah sedih, pasaipa ? Mostly ramai akan dapat since UTP ni IPTS~~~ But ada yang tak dapat jugak, kalau tak dapat, maybe bukan rezeki.

~~~~ I got the offer (Foundation of ICT) Alhamdulillah but i have to reject the offer because I want to wait for UPU result/IPG. (PSYCHOLOGY COME TO MAMA lol) and the foundation+degree fees are so expensive. I KENOT. so bai bai utp it's okay i'm currently having a love-hate relationship with humans and i want to pursue my tertiary study in bachelor of psychology so yeah. (I HOPE I CAN GET MY UPU FIRST CHOICE :: FOUNDATION OF HUMAN SCIENCES IN IIUM!!! CAN'T WAIT TO STUDY THERE~~~~~)

Okay thanks for reading. (this is my first post walaoo) okay bai strangerz X! Sorry kalau rasa menyampah dengan penggunaan Manglish (Malay + english haha). Goodbye homies!

lol sorry saje letak nama kawan ''lady H''