Ujian Kecergasan Calon Guru (UKCG 2015)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello gais!!

thanks to google for the awesome hello gif

Okay, let's get started!

So PISMP 2015 online application was opened last month (February 2015 i think). At first, I'm not really into this profession. Nah this profession was my last choice okay lol. But my father and my aunt kept insisting me to apply for this. Because erm basically IPG students will get elaun and they don't have to pay for the fees (KOT LAH). I applied for Mathematics as my first choice (since I love Maths and Add Maths -- don't bash me for loving these 2 critical subjects. lol these are the only subjects I'm good at T___T), and my second choice was Reka Bentuk Teknologi [ I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS THAT, I JUST APPLIED FOR THIS BECAUSE MY FATHER INSISTED ME TO APPLY THAT SUBJECT... I actually want to apply for History but nah takut dalam subjek sejarah ada penipuan and you know mana tau berdosa lol don't judge me >:( But lepas submit application baru tergedik nak baca requirement for each subject we choose. And my second choice tak kena requirement lol because I didn't take any of the subjects mentioned. LK??? lol I'm screwed.

Jajan! Tibalah pada hari pengumuman... Checked my name and I got offered to go to UKCG and UKF on 2 April 2015 (at IPG Kampus Ipoh/Hulu Kinta) . At first I was quite scared because I thought the test would be as hard as UTP's educamp test (that bloody TSA cambridge lol). I make some preparations for the UKF (Ujian Kecergasan Fizikal.) Yep you heard that rigt my son. PHYSICAL TEST. 

2 APRIL 2015, 2015/04/02
Like the previous UTP educamp, I woke up earlier to make sure I won't be late for the test. I wore black t-shirt muslimah (yg panjang sampai atas lutut tu) and black tudung and black track bottom, with my new sport shoes leuls. Nampak gothic gitu but who cares. Since I'm from Ipoh, and the campus is located in Hulu Kinta, it wasn't a problem for me to find the campus. Arrived there and my father left me all alone lol because he's working. So I stood in front of the main hall (where we'll be taking ujian bertulis inside there.) about 20 minutes lol before 8 am.

wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i think dis is da main hall
Ehem. So the exam started at 8.30 am. The questions have 2 sections. Section A and Section B. Section A has 100+ questions (Sorry I forgot how many) and Section B has 60 questions. Section A has 2 options (for the answer) and section B has 4 options for you to choose. The time given was 45 minutes. But don't worry, the questions are related to your personality. You know yourself kan or kalau tak, then it'd be a big problem for you hahaha. Answer the questions on the OMR sheet okais.
After battling with the shitty questions, the candidates are allowed to go home (for those yg ada session waktu petang atau lambat lagi) and the rest yg session time pagi can go to the gymnasium. Since my ukf session waktu petang (2.30 pm yo), I went back home. Lepak dulu satgi nak lari lari kang no energy what to do kan.

At 1.40 pm, I went back to IPG campus and searched for the gymnasium. Dekat je dengan padang besaq orait. Datang-datang and then tunggu bawah khemah disediakan. And the facilitators called the candidates to come in a small room. They explained about UKF there and yadda yadda, I went to the toilet pasal sakit perut lol nervous sgt kot. After that, UKF STARTED with warm up. yo warm up first later cramp who wanna take u to da hospital liao.

There're 5 tests :- BMI test, Kilas sisi, Sit-up Variations,Quadrant Jump and last but not least, the bloody BLEEP/BEEP TEST (because it killed me for the next 2 days okay no joke i can't stand properly and walk properly. IT WAS HARD T..T) There will be marks for each test, total marks are 100%!

I'm sure all of you have done this so many times during school times kan kan kan!

Hmm too bad i got underweight and i won't get the full mark (20% i think) T.T normal ppl will get full mark .

This test is the easiest one for me. (FOR ME LAH not sure abt u people). Don't worry it'll be easy if you can balance yourself ;))

I think I got the lowest mark here. (VERY HARD FOR ME BECAUSE I'M NO GOOD LIKE ATHLETE KE APA KE /SOBS) There will be 5 variations. I was able to do the first one only tapi itu pun susah lol luckily ada akak and abam students ipg bagi kata-kata semangat. (I appreciate it guys ;')) Susah jugak nak buat semua sit-up ni pasal takde siapa yang akan tahankan kaki kita. Selalu buat dengan kawan sekolah, mmg akan ada kwn yg tolong tahankan but this time, buat sendiri. Kau fail hilanglah markah macam aku ni T___________T

Hmmmmmm not sure if this is easy or not but okay je lah. You have to focus and lompat selaju yang boleh in the box provided without stepping on the lines in 10 SECONDS. Yes 10 seconds my child. Well, luckily boleh try 2 kali.

yes. mindblownnnnnnnnnn
The hardest part for sure especially for non-athletes and semput people. I forgot what level I got but I could've got to next level but I didn't understand the whole rules so I screwed up even tho I still can continue. I'm born to dodge the rules. lol poyo je. Seriously even kakak and abang ipg tu pun siap bagi kata-kata semangat (sekali lagi :DDDDDDD ) but I didn't understand the bloody rules so I was like *blur* sekejap. And then tak larat nak sambung, just pergi belah xD. YOU KNOW WHY?? It's because of my kaki pancit and perut buncit said NO YOU CAN'T CONTINUE AND YOU WON'T PASS THE TEST GURL. lol sedih betul. Lepas habis je semua test, dah boleh balik. and I WAS DRUNK . lol mcm orang mabuk seriously. Jalan mcm orang mabuk, rasa pening kepala gila, and my legs dah sakit-sakit dah. Balik je, ingat balik rumah. But my parents brought me to a fast food restaurant. Mula-mula cakap je tak nak makan sebab mual sebab lari banyak sangat but then, the burger and the refreshing drink were just too delicious. And sambil tunggu for the order, sempat lagi kena babysit 2 orang budak lol. Mula-mula jaga sat adik perempuanku yang masih kecil, but then datang sorang akak ni bagi anak dia main dgn my sister so i had to look after them since akak tu pergi makan kat meja dia. lol takpalah nasib anak akak ni comel :3

P/S : After-effect beep test sangat menyedihkan, so I suggest for those who're taking the test in a few days, you still have time to practice. Just jogging dekat taman rumah pun dah okay. Or your legs and your butt will hurt for a few days. 

For now, I've changed my mind and I'll go to IPG if I successfully get the offer. Since I also like kids, (like not love.) and I love maths lol why not huh! If I don't get the offer, it's okay I'll go for PSYCHOLOGY (my dream course *____*)

Thanks for reading my post and sorry for my bad writing (English + Malay + Manglish. lol sure fail liao) Kalau ada kesalahan grammar , leh teguq. :)) and good luck if you're taking the test. I'll post about the interview pulak (IF I GET THE OFFER)

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