Foundation in Law (UiTM) - Semester 1 (2015)

asasi undang undang uitm shah alam (kptm) - semester satu wee *_*

Hello there!

After 5 months studying, I finally finished my first semester!! *throws confetti*

Firstly, I don't know what should I write (even though I planned to write so many things during this semester break but lol my brain is not functioning very well....ok what a lame reason)  I guess, I'll just share some information for you kids need for Law Foundation!! (for first semester only :3)

law faculty in uitm shah alam. taken by me while exploring the campus after mds week :) 
law faculty in uitm shah alam.

Oh anyway, all foundation students (science, engineering, law and TESL) will move to a new campus special for foundation students located in Dengkil. And my batch will be the first batch to conquer that place lol. Hopefully it would be fun there since there will be less distractions than here... or maybe even worse!!

In the first semester, you will learn 7 subjects. The subjects are :-
  1. CSC134 - Computer & Information Processing

    You will learn about the computers and how they work. Topics involved are storage, system unit, application software, system software, internet, communications, privacy,security, ethics and many more. This subject is an okay subject for me. (but for final exam, there'll be a lot of things you need to memorize.... T.T)

  2. CTU085/IDA - Islamic World View

    For non-Muslims, you'll learn other subject (I forgot the subject name though). Basically, Islamic World View is same like Tasawwur subject. For this semester, you will need to memorize surah al-Mulk.

  3. ELC080 - English for Foundation Studies 1

    This subject is to prepare students for MUET exam. Well, you will need to gain Band 4 in MUET for LLB later.

  4. ELC091 - Critical Reading and Reasoning for Foundation Studies

    In this subject, you will learn about fallacies, author's tones, stuff like that. At the same time, you will need to do presentations for this subject. Yes, this subject requires you to think differently and read more about current situations.

  5. LAW012 - Introduction to Law 1

    This subject is one of the killer subjects for semester 1. There are quite a lot of students that have to repeat for this subject. Basically, this subject is about laws. Topics for this subject are Law as Rules, Law and Morality, Law and Justice, Law and Equality, Rules of Law, Law and Freedom. Federal Constitution book is needed for this subject. To master this subject, you will need to do more exercises (using past year tests) because the questions are actually the same but in different terms/patterns(?).

  6. LAW016 - Introduction to Malaysian System of Government and Politics

    In my opinion, this subject is easy but.... you have to memorize a lot of acts for this subject.... :( And I think I did very badly for this subject :((( Hopefully I'll pass T_T 

    In this subject, you will learn about the our history, types of governments, powers of the government, federal and state governments, NGO, fundamental rights, monarchy system, Islam in Malaysia, and special rights for bumiputra. Easy to learn but quite hard to memorize all of the acts that are linked with the topics.... and the Fed Cons book is also required for this subject.

  7. LAW038 - Legal Research and Library Processing Skills

    For me, I think this is the easiest law subject and quite fun actually. Like LAW012,016, you will need to exercise using past year questions because the questions are more or less the same.

    You'll learn about MLA, APA citations, types of libraries, types of materials, how to read Acts, how to cite cases, sources of law, and databases. Yes, a lot of reading and memorization are required... as usual... lol....
Whew. Basically, my first semester is like a roller-coaster ride. Ups and downs. Twist here and there lah. Pening. Exhausted. Tired. hahahah.

I made a lot of friends too. Well I thought I will be some kind of lone ranger kid here but instead, I got too many friends lol. and I love them.

For me, college life is fun! It depends on how well you adapt with everything that's going on and make sure you focus on studies too. Law foundation is really tiring and I hope you'll endure it well. And please pray for me as the first semester results will be out this 13th November (Friday)! Hopefully I'll pass with flying colors~~~~~

UPDATE : Got 3.52 for the first semester. Alhamdulillah. Didn't expect that whew! :) Hopefully this won't be the first and last time for me to get the Dean's list lol

and if you need any help(or lecture notes), leave a comment/email me at fl0ppyg00n@gmail.com ^^

UPDATE : CLICK HERE for more information about second semester :3


  1. definition law kan byk. so yg mne paling sesuai atau yg paling bgus utk mendefinisikan law ni ape. tq.

    1. hm betul, law memang ada banyak definition. boleh define drpd natural law, positive law and byk lagi. tapi yg paling mudahlah, law ni mcm sesuatu yang ditetapkan atas dasar membentuk sesebuah masyarakat. contoh mudah mcm undang-undang sekolah pun law jugak. hohoho :3

  2. Hi! im loving your post! full of info and very entertaining too. actually I will be entering the same course too at uitm dengkil. quite scared and nervous tbh since im a science student transitioning to law =='

    can i have your notes on law please? just for prep in order to face this new stuff huhu. i hope you understand. thanks a bunch!

    if youre willing to send the notes please send it at this link: ameeraaklif@yahoo.com
    thank you so much :))

    1. thanks haha :D don't worry, you'll be fine! studying law can be fun even though sometimes it can be super tiring! >.< i was a science student too during my spm days and yeah don't worry, i did well lol. anyway, i just emailed you the notes.

  3. salam, ill be going to uitm dengkil also for law foundation! quite nervous but yeah, just need to survive somehow right? hhahah. pray for me pls :D and it would be great if u could send me those notes too! thank u!

    email : ibnadiah@gmail.com

    1. Wassalam! Don't worry, you'll have fun there and insyaAllah you'll survive the pre-law school with flying colours! :D and btw i just emailed you the notes :]

  4. Assalamualaikum and hi! inshaAllah ill also go to dengkil and pursue my studies in law foundation this thursday :-) i also show interest in your law notes and could you please forward it to me? Thankyou in advance! ;-)

    Email ; nblh.nhkm@gmail.com

    1. Waalaikummussalam :) Just emailed you the notes. Hopefully those notes will be very helpful for you! Good luck :D

  5. assalamualaikum and haaii! i got asasi law kptm too at uitm dengkil , just finished with mds and class will start very soon! really hope that you will share the notes and any advice about law because im just like you from science stream to law.. looking forward for your reply :)
    my email : alia.maddan@gmail.com

    1. Waalaikummussalam and hi there :3 Congrats for being able to go through the 'hellish' mds week o((*^▽^*))o Anyway, I've emailed you the notes and I hope the notes will be helpful to you :) My advice is for the time being, just enjoy the free time that you have rn (╯✧∇✧)╯

  6. hi salam! I'm currently doing Foundation Law UITM too in UITM Dengkil! I was a bit scared but I love something that way different than my Science subjects. I can do SC, but my passion towards History & reading are just so much more than doing my SC. Hehe can I have ur notes?? My email : sitisyafiqahaj@yahoo.com.my THANK U SO MUCH! MAY ALLAH BLESS U!

    1. Hi there :D It's good to know that you have interest in History and reading because law requires a lot of reading :3 Don't worry because I know you'll be doing fine :) Anyway, I've emailed you the law notes! Good luck!! (╯✧∇✧)╯

  7. Hi, my son just enrolled Foundation Law yesterday at UITM Dengkil. Really appreciate if you could forward the notes to me too. My email : sohaimee@gmail.com . Thankyou in advance - MAY ALLAH BLESS U

    1. Hi! Just emailed you the notes and sorry for the late reply! I hope the notes would be helpful for your son :)

    2. kak......can you please check your email...i sent you an email...tqvm...btw very usefull information

  8. hey there I've read ur blog about foundation in law and it's the bestttt :))OMG im currently waiting for the second intake in Nov wish I could get it ://Btw can u send me those notes of urs maybe it could really help me understand more about foundation in law:))if u don't mind here's my email--emilygurl172@gmail.com

    1. Thanks! Hopefully you'll be able to get the offer ^_^ I hope the notes will be useful for you :3

  9. hi there. thanks for writing this awesome entry :D. just checked if i was accepted for this november intake and alhamdulillah luck is on my side this time. so if u don't mind can u please email those notes to me. here's my email, kingewan007@gmail.com -- may Allah bless you always..TQ

    1. Hi :) i've sent the notes, pls check your email. good luck :)

  10. Assalamualaikum. Hi sis, I will study Foundation of Law at the end of this month. Can I get your notes to prepare? May Allah bless your kindness.

    My email: drsyahirah@hotmail.com

    1. Waalaikummussalam. Congrats for getting a place there! & I've emailed to you the notes :)

  11. assalamualaikum.thanks for your useful information about foundation law.if you dont mind,can i have your notes.here's my email: izzatiash1998@gmail.com

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. hi and assalamualaikum dear sis ,, ^_^ .. can't believe that I've already became a law student at uitm campus dengkil .. under uitm PI005 .. and now I really need some helpful notes .. I'm hoping for your kindness to help me , hihii .. btw , this is my email : farishanis98@gmail.com

  14. Hi I just found your blog.I think it is very interesting.I really want to pursue my studies in law.Hope to get soon reply from you.Oh can I get some of your notes.Maybe it can help me to know more about law.Thanks

  15. Hi there. I'm so glad I found this blog. I'm a bit nervous as I'm the only one opting for foundation in law among my batch mates. Coming from a science stream student, it's a big difference transitioning into law. I would be extremely grateful to have the notes to soothe my nerves. Here's my email - ladysia678@gmail.com . Hope to hear more from you soon and I wish you luck on your studies!


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