Law School

Assalamualaikum and hi there! It's been a long time since my last update! Well, I didn't have time to update my blog and also it's because I don't have any idea on what to write lol. ANYWAY, it's been months since I left and graduated from my foundation studies. Well, yeah like other students, I applied UPU for degree intakes (September intakes). And yeap, most of my choices are law (okay actually not most pun just that my top 5 choices were law. My choices were :-
1) UiTM - Law
2) UKM - Law
3) UiTM - Masscom (lol idk why did i choose this)
4) UUM - Law
5) UniSZA - Law
& so on (not-related to law because we only have 6 law schools here)..

I got the interviews for UM and UiTM (both for law course) but somehow... I didn't make it. :/ I think it's because I failed to do my best during the interviews *sighs*. Months after waiting for the UPU result, I finally got the result. I.... got into... LAW SCHOOL!! /yeah i was happy/ BUT THEN.. when I checked which university... it's UUM. lol .

Honestly, I was kinda disappointed because I was rooting for law school UM (because I thought the interviewers like me haih...). Besides, I was sad because my other friends got accepted to other top law schools as well (like UM.. UKM.. and UiTM). Wait, I'm not implying that UUM law school is bad but since it's new so... welp idk how to explain.

But that's not the end tho. At least, I still get the chance to get into law school. I'm still not satisfied tho (lol what an ungrateful bij :|).

I've finished my first semester last week, and hoLy shIEtzzz,,, if y'all going to get into law school, get your mental and physical ready because law school ain't that easy!!!!! it's tough and i feel like a dying chicken okay. I mean, aisdaisgdiygfg \_\ ...

Sorry guys I just can't write properly nowadays lol. (That's the aftermath of joining law school, folks... get ready to be tormented every single day yeay!!!)

I'll update later about law school in UUM if I have time. For now, I have to spend my semester break by doing works -- as in, reading cases, doing revision on contract because I'm joining mooting and going to represent UUM lol.. 50% regrets for joining because I just want to rest for the whole semester break lol
still sad over the fact that i can't enjoy my holiday to the fullest lol fml

sorry if my writing sucks because yes my writing sucks so bad i need to space out for awhile adios xoxo kisses :3

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