
I got bored so I'm going to answer these weird questions that I found online lol I have no life :(

1. What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they are telling you how they feel?
Both since I'm an awkward person :")

2. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way?
I get mad very easily even for trivial reasons lol. But hm I forgot when was the last time I get really angry..

3. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them?
Wait-- are we even allowed to make a phone call in airplane?? I thought cannot meh??

4. You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid?
I would be very worried because I'm scared that my bad deeds>good deeds :O I'm not sure about telling people that I'm going to die but I would leave little hints about that to my closest friends and family. For the remaining days, I would spend my days happily because I ... want..to..die..happily..?. Yeah

5. You can have one of the following two things. Which do you choose? Why? Love and Trust.
Trust because that's very important in a friendship/relationship.

6. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late even once more, you are fired. Do you take the time to save the dogs life? Why or Why not?
Let's be realistic... I might not even realise that the dog's there because I'm already late to work lol. But if I happen to see it, I would check if there's other pedestrian nearby. If there isn't any, then I can't do nothing much about it... I don't know how to swim (if the canal is big..)... what a selfish me :(

7. Would you rather be hurt by the one you trust the most or the one you love the most?
I would rather be hurt by the one I hate the most okay. lol ok ok this is hard.. both would hurt me very bad equally so both??

8. Your best friend confesses that he/she has feelings for you more than just friendship. He/she is falling in love with you. What do you (or did you) do/say?
This would never happen to me... BUT if it happens someday, firstly I would check my feelings first if the feelings are mutual or only one-sided. If I happen to have mutual feelings with that person, then I would accept his/her confession.. if no, then sorry not sorry but I think I can still remain as friend with he/she :D but meh it won't happen. Who would fall in love with a dumb ass like me :D

9. Think of the last person who you know that died. You have the chance to give them 1 hour of life back, but you have to give up one year of yours. Do you do it? Why or Why not?
Well, she's not the last person I know that died. But I got the chance, I would definitely do that. Even if I have to give up my whole 118 years of my existence, I wouldn't care but nah that won't happen..

10. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
Honestly, NO.

11. Does love = sex?
Not really... There's this thing called "Friends with benefits" or "one-night stand" lol. and also WHO WOULD HAVE SEX WITH ThEir OWn fAmiLY memBeRs?!!!111 such incest yuck yikes

12. Your boss tells your coworker that they have to let them go because of work shortage, and they are the newest employee. You have been there much longer. Your coworker has a family to support and no other means of income. Do you go to your boss and offer to leave the company? Why or Why not?
Let's be honest and realistic. NO. Because why? Then I would be unemployed... Unless if I got other offer first then I would gladly offer to leave the company.

13.When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person?
Wow I couldn't remember anything.. seriously!! But I think the last time I did that was during foundation studies... maybe... omg I can't remember anymore STAHP!!!!!

14. What would be (or what was) harder for you to tell a member of the opposite/same sex, you love them or that you do not love them back?
It would be harder for me to tell them that I love them of course. I'm really good in ditching people lol so it's..easy(?) to tell them I don't love them back... :D what an evil minion :D I'm such a trash wowow

15. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose?
My dream. I used to have this certain dream that I would like to achieve. I had that dream/ambition since I was in primary school until my last year in high school. People told me to give up on my dream and I had a really hard time because of that. And after that, I successfully ditched my dream and now I don't have any dream :| /sobs/ Life is hard and cruel :(

16. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them. Who were they to you?
My best friends haa :D

17. If there was one moment and one time in the last month what would you change and why?
Nope.. maybe.. idk???????

18.Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Wait-- I thought you actually need a cpr license because my seniors told me that when I learnt cpr during high school...
19. You are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your rationale for making the decision?
Why would they go there??? Like wtf????? What kind of question is this?? I'm chuckling lol

20. Are you old fashioned?

21. When was the last time you were nice to someone and did NOT expect anything in return for it?

22. Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why?
Yo why is this hard to decide idk maybe never loved at all???? or ???? asfdfgasdbbndsydh i hate you

23. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
Well, I just wish that I could graduate successfully and get a job instantly after graduating and not being a homeless and broke. That's all..

anyway this is kinda fun dibidibidis~~~ 

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