of ups and downs

if you're allergic to sentimental posts, don't read this.

I've officially finished my foundation studies, and it's the right time to bid my farewell to my favourite people in foundation studies. I've never felt this sad before(I didn't feel sad when I left high school..yeap). It's surely very hard for me to say goodbye to every person that I've met here. You guys will always be my favorite people <3 

At first, I didn't really feel like we're saying goodbye for the last time after the last paper. But once after I saw one by one, left the campus (forever), I then realised that that was our final goodbye. And we may not see each other again. That was it.
the last photo that we took together after the last paper. the final goodbye..

Anyway, let's rewind back to our first semester!

LWA01D -- 12th June 2015.
Our first class photo ever! It was just a few days after we first met each other. :3 I still remember, we were all so awkward during the photography session lol. I miss the awkwardness lol and this was the day we made our own class slogan. "Veni. Vedi. Vici. - We Came. We Saw. We Conquered" I love our class slogan so much <3

18th June 2015
This was the day when we (girls) were waiting for Bus G to come over and fetch us.. We waited at the bus stop near Kolej Perindu for quite long and finally, we decided to go back to Kolej Mawar by walking together.

22nd June 2015.
Our first black and white class photo. Our beloved class representative was the one who suggested us to take class photos with black and white outfits. (At this time, we're still awkward but that awkward bond started to loose :D)

24th June 2015.
Our first iftar together! Well, the boys didn't join us that day, and our non-muslim friends didn't join us too. We had iftar at Jemari at Section 7, Shah Alam and we took pictures before breaking our fast. It was really fun and the food <3

9th July 2015.
This was after our last class before the first semester break (Raya!!!) We were all so excited to go back to our hometown and some of us were quite tired on that day. 

7th August 2015.
Asasi SMFUU's rumah terbuka event at the faculty. Well, I still remember how our class representative hated Asasi SMFUU's leader so much lol. And to know that the leader also knew that our class rep hated him so much, he, in return, asked (or maybe forced) our class rep to become ad hoc committee on that event. lol Our class rep whined in our class group as he was really annoyed with that leader. lol so childish :3

13th August 2015.
Our class's first debate session ever! *throws confetti* (but my group had a debate session on another day so yeah). There were 3/4 sessions, which I couldn't remember, but I liked all the sessions.

27th August 2015.
On this day, some of us planned to eat outside the campus. Well, at first we planned to go to Subway as there was free promotion but sadly we didn't get to go there as we're too late. But somehow, we went to Pizza Hut instead and had our dinner there. We didn't really plan to go with so many people, at first. After having dinner, we went again to the Street Arts and took photos, and went to KFC and McD to buy some food for our other friends in the campus lol.

28th August 2015.
Hehehe the library visit!!! YEAS! We had our library visit (to PTAR2) for our LAW038 assignment. As usual the girls would take a lot of pictures. Sadly, I remember that I deleted some photos so I couldn't use those photos. yeap menyesal delete T_T

18th September 2015.
The second library visit! We (the girls) were late but we still had fun :D We conquered the whole bus (bus A or B if I'm not mistaken).

23th September 2015.
Our class photo after the last class for the first semester. We wore black and white outfits to synchronize lol as usual, the class rep suggested this. <3

24th September 2015.
Gang tak balik kampung for Raya Aidiladha. We were really unfortunate on that day because all the stalls at DC were closed, there was only a few buses available. Shops at Section 7, Shah Alam mostly were closed. We had to get our food at KFC lol and we didn't get to eat daging korban :'(

11th October 2015.
This photo was taken after the last paper (LAW012) at Dewan Seri Budiman. Well, we were all happy because we finally get to rest for a month. And that's how our first semester ended.. We had so many fun memories in UiTM Shah Alam <3 

Here comes the second semester which is definitely 100x tougher than the first semester in UiTM Dengkil...

30th December 2015.
Our first class photo for the second semester!! Well, I believe our class was the first class ever that took class photo together and in front of the library :3 We got 2 new classmates as well, but they weren't in the picture :( We wore black and white because lol why not? :3

3rd March 2016.
Our class photo that we took after we've done our class assignment for LAW088. We wore black because that's the only colour that everyone has lol. Our class assignment went well despite the problems that we had before presentation day. 

17th March 2016.
Our last ELC093 class with our favourite lecturer, Mr Shahrul. We loved this subject because we got a cool lecturer :3 

19th March 2016.
Our first(and last) class trip to Port Dickson! We planned to have a class trip because most of us didn't go to the annual dinner. Even though there were problems that we faced, I still don't regret for joining this trip. It was really fun and we had a great time bonding with each other. We had games, and prize ceremony and had bbq party until night :3 Thanks for the delicious food :3

24th March 2016.
Our cool ELC093 lecturer bought us pizzas!! Yesss :3 We had casual talks with our lecturer. Thanks to our beloved lecturer for buying us these delicious pizzas <3 May God bless you!! <3
25th March 2016.
Our last class for the second semester, or in another words, our last class for our foundation studies. We only had one class on that day and yeah erm we took photos with our lecturer as well before saying goodbye to our lecturer.

15th April 2016.
Here comes the saddest part :( This was after our last paper (Law039) and this was our last time together with our classmates. We took photos under the scorching hot sun lol because it was during the afternoon. It was the day when we bid farewell to each other.

I feel bittersweet. First, it's because I love all the memories that we had. Secondly, it's because  I feel sad for leaving these great people and knowing that I might not be able to meet them again. But InsyaAllah, if God wills it, we would meet each other again. I believe in that. Thanks for the memories that we got. Thanks for the friendships. Thanks for the scars that gave me life lessons. Thanks for helping me when I needed help the most. Thanks for everything, my dear friends. Remember, there will be more tough roads in front of us, and all we gotta do is, survive through these. Believe me, I'll always pray for our success. Come back and be good lawyers or politicians. Destroy the current dictators and bring back the peace and love that we all fought for during debate sessions and discussions. Don't forget me and last but not least, I love all of you.

I know they don't know about the existence of this post but let me just thank them in this post. :)
Thanks Abu for being a good friend to everyone, you're the best! Ad, you're doing great, don't worry! Cha cha, please show your emotions lol and stay fabulous! Tia, you need to know that you're cute and pretty okay :) Farah, stay pretty and be confident like always! Hana, yes you're the cutest kid ever hahahaha and I always admire your efforts <3 Ollan, I hope you'll be the old cute and kind Ollan and be a good politician in future. Intan, please jangan stare lelama kat cermin lol be confident okay! Mayo, tolong tinggi sikit, kesian tengok asyik kena jengket je hahahah! Taqi, behave please aku duk perati je perangai mcm bebudak hahahah. Jiji, good luck everytime kau join debate, make us proud!! Syafiq, comel mcm bear tpi annoying hahahah, good luck for your future~ Shot, my cute sister tapi jangan gelabah sangat eh hahahaha. Anna, pursue what you love, because that'll make you happier, that's for sure. Eein, stay sassy and stay intelligent! Fin, I'm always here for you :3 Kentut je dengan confident, I support hahahh You're beautiful inside out, don't worry <3 Yank, my cute twin ^3^ stay cute stay pandai and let's meet again and jadi twins lgi :3 Fath, tak penat ke jadi cantik hahahaha luv you muahhhh :D Nab, I love your confidence, teach me how to be confident and sassy okay teacher :3 Anne, geng 150cm and below, stay smol and kiut so that we can still fit in the geng muehehe. Rin, my giant mommy, stay pretty and good luck in future <3 Eiza jiranku, thanks for being there for me whenever I needed help, ^_^ Mimie, one of the divas, stay happy and cheerful, spread that positive vibes :3 Ren, you need to know that we'll always help you okay. Tatii, stay diva and classy, and kaulah dumber, aku dumb, okay kan muahahah :-) Kak Yam, cool sgt akak ni, akak sekolah agama paling cool and sassy!! Sarah, nak thanks je tak cukup, anyway you're my best buddy ever, thanks for everything, babe <3 Su, I always admire your fashion sense and you're one of the coolest kid I've ever seen okay haa :3 Jie, stay calm like always and I like your manners :)

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