Foundation in Law (UiTM) - Semester 2 (2016)

asasi undang-undang uitm semester 2 @ dengkil wootz!

The second semester just ended last Thursday after finishing LAW039 paper :( another 5 months, my foundation life just ended. I still remember the first day of the second semester when we had to register at the new campus which is located in Dengkil. I got myself 2 new friends there as they are my housemates. Well, I want to write more about them but let's just skip this part.

the main building. (cr to google & the rightful owner)

Male students will be placed in Kolej Tualang 1,2, and3 ) and female students will be placed in Kolej Dahlia 1,2 and 3. You won't be living in a dorm but a house. Just a small house without kitchen. 2 bathrooms (with showers yay), 3 rooms (2 persons for each room) and 6 tables outside the rooms. I stayed in Kolej Dahlia 2 (D2-5-7). Basically, there will be 6 people staying in a house, so people, get ready to know your housemates well ok :3

These are the views from my room(rumah+bilik hujung dunia doh hohohoho bestttt) :-

For asasi law students, you actually don't have to worry about your black and white outfits. Actually, it's not compulsory for asasi law students to wear the black and white outfits. But surely you'll of course need to have formal outfits for your presentations. That black and white outfits will be utilised completely during your degree years , I jamin :-)

For the second semester, we'll learn 8 subjects in total. 4 law subjects, 2 english subjects, 2 other subjects. Let me list down the subjects :-

1) CTU086/IDA086 - Fundamentals of Shariah
You'll learn the basic shariah in this subject just like what you've learned in SPM (if you took that Shariah subject???) For non-muslims, you'll learn the other subject, which I don't know the details, sorry.

2) ECO099 - Introduction to Economics
You'll learn microeconomics and macroeconomics in this subject but just generally-lah. You'll need calculator and graph papers for this subject so prepare okay!

3) ELC092 - Communicative Skills for Foundation Studies
There'll be no final exam for this subject BUT your overall marks will be evaluated by your respective lecturers throughout this semester. There are 3 assignments which are individual speech (persuasive speech), forum and debate. Well, you'll need to do your best in this subject as there'll be no final exam for this subject!

4) ELC093 - Academic Writing for Foundation Studies
My favourite subject tbh!! There will be 2 assignments for this subject which will be considered for your total marks for this subject. You'll need to write 2 term papers individually and with partner. I love this subject because lol we had quite a lot of fun during the class because apparently our lecturer didn't know what to teach and what to do so sometimes he dismissed the class 1 hour earlier or sometimes we played games :-) 

5) LAW037 - Introduction to Law II
I like this subject but ... erm I don't know how to describe this but whatever. You'll learn different types of law that exist in the world-- common law, civil law, adversarial system, inquisitorial system and many more! You'll also learn judiciary system in Malaysia. and this subject is just like LAW016 but with more details :)

6) LAW039 - Introduction to Social Psychology and Criminology
Well, tbh I expected more from this subject as I love to read stuff regarding psychology but nahhh. I'm just interested in Abnormal Psychology, not Social Psychology. You'll learn about social psychology such as attitudes, social influence, aggression,prejudice and etc. Some people might like this subject but for me, I don't really like it as there are so many terms that I need to remember T.T

7) LAW087 - Introduction to Law III
This subject focuses on contract, tort and criminal but just on the basis. There are SO MANY cases and legal provisions that we have to memorize.... but actually I like this subject, which I don't know the reason why... lol but somehow, I got myself useful knowledge from this subject because who knows I can use what I've learned from this subject heheh :3

8) LAW088 - Contemporary Global and Legal Issues
This subject is easy (for me) but you'll need to read a lot about the current issues for this subject. But I actually don't really like this subject as we're required to write a lot (like...a...loT!!!) for the finals. Mcm tulis essay.. *sighs* Make sure you read a lot about the current issues and any human rights issues. (because it'll be really useful and... for your own knowledge kan why not)

Of course the second semester is tougher than the first semester. Learning 8 subjects within 5 months was definitely NOT easy. As usual, there were so many assignments that we got T.T And like the first semester, most of us studied last minute. lol Last minute studying is not good but what can we do... Better late than never huh? *laughs........half-heartedly*

Anyway, I like this campus as this campus is still new and we're the first batch that conquers this campus *yoohoo*!!! But we (asasi law students from Shah Alam campus), had some problem with science students. I didn't really care about the problem but that problem has led to us, being stereotyped by the staffs and other students. It was unfortunate but well, that issue was solved and now, everyone left the campus already.

Tbh most of us(asasi law students from Shah Alam campus) didn't like the staffs here (as..they actually discriminated us for small matters) and the wifi here is sooooooo sloww unlike in Shah Alam. But afterall we all had fun even though the services weren't good and not to forget that this campus has strict curfew unlike in Shah Alam :( Not much freedom, we felt like school students hahaha but whatever, what's more important is education. :3

You're going to love the campus as the buildings are so beautifully built >.< and the scenery that you'll get <3 Below are some pictures of the campus :3

the view that you'll get from the main building (administration building)
cr photo to rightful ownerr
PTAR - library (4 levels with one 24 hour study room)
study table! cr to the rightful owner
anjung dengkil - the heaven. (kedai makan makan yey)
no cars can lepak one :3

the dinamik block - located behind the administration block
the view of the dinamik block + etika block + anjung + field from progresif block :D
here comes the best part of living in uitm dengkil!
get ready to see colourful sides of the blue sky during the sunrise/sunset! you'll gonna love it for sure <3
And get ready to catch aeroplanes flying in the sky! (1 aeroplane every 10 minutes yep yep)!!

Goodbye UiTM Dengkil! Goodbye people! Farewell, my friends <3

Okay that's all! Thanks for reading this! If you need anything, just leave a comment. :3


  1. Nk tnya,lps asasi sambung apa ye ? And dkt mana ?

    1. kalau saya, saya sambung law je terus. skrg still tengah tunggu upu untuk kemasukan ijazah, so ikut rezeki lah dpt um ke ukm ke uitm ke :]

  2. Salam. Prog law uitm ke kptm ye? Kalau kptm, setakat ni ada tak yang dapat UIA utk degree lepas asasi kat UiTM? Tq

    1. Wassalam. Saya program Kptm. KPTM boleh apply UPU so ikut rezekilah. So far, kami yang baru habis ni baru dapat tawaran temuduga, belum dpt tawaran masuk utk ijazah lagi. Tapi ada je yang dpt. Cuma UIA ni rasanya lagi pentingkan students asasi mereka sendiri.

  3. Salam kak, i will enter this course in around 2 weeks and im very excited! Can i know what are the books that i have to read and bring for preparation?

    1. Wassalam. Congrats and welcome to uitm dengkil ^^ For the first semester, you only need Federal Constitution book which only costs RM10. You can buy A first look at the Malaysian legal system by Wan Arfah but it's not compulsory. Usually we only refer to the lecture notes which you can get it once you can access Uitm student portal. Anyway, good luck!

  4. Akak, akak dftar dulu ada tak dia suruh bawak bju kurung putih n kain wrna gelap? N lagi satu kna bawak kasut kulit tak ke sana?

    1. Dulu saya bwk je, bwk jelah just in case memang nak guna. Kain tu kalau ada corak pun okay je asalkan warnanya gelap. Kasut kulit tu pun xwajib pun. Tapi kasut bertutup memang wajib ada lah utk perempuan.

    2. Okay lagi satu saya nk tnya, bju kurung tu kan bkannya pakai wktu daftar kan?wktu dftar just pakai bju kurung biasa je kan?...

    3. Yeap. baju kurung putih tu pakai hari last mds je, waktu majlis penutupan mds. waktu daftar, baju kurung biasa je

    4. Ouh okay thanks akk!! Hihi btw saya pon akn masuk this course next week...thanks ya sori for too much question😘

  5. Realy admire your fluent english ><

  6. Btw thanks for sharing! It's very helpful!

  7. assalamualaikum akk.
    akk.kalau tidak keberatan boleh saya minta nota ll untuk sem 2..saya sgt mengharap akk boleh bagi sbb dh ramai org saya tanya..semua dh x simpan..hope akk bleh tlg saya..email saya hasanah1998.nh@gmail.com
    ig saya hasanah_mustapah...terima kasih kak

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