
this post is dedicated to my buddies that went through shits during foundation studies with me :3

from the movie Sunny(2011-korean). my fav movie yo :D
(it's about friendship, unrequited love,family and reunion haa) cr to rightful owner
友情 (friendship) :) I am honestly very grateful for having good friends that accompanied me through out my foundation studies. Before this, I thought I might not be able to make friends, as I am socially awkward (and emotionally constipated,too). But, I'm very lucky to have a lot of friends and acquaintances during my foundation studies.  Let me be frank, I'm actually have this huge "assabiah" spirit in me. "Assabiah" is actually an Arabic word but I think that's the best word to describe myself as someone who belongs to a group. YEAP, berpuak!! And I'm actually closer with my girl friends than my guy friends as I feel more comfortable with them and I can tell my girl friends dirty jokes whenever I want hahahah and maybe because I've been to all-girls schools for 11 years... so that's why I always prefer my girl friends. Some people might say, they prefer guy friends more than girls because less drama. yeah that's right, that's no fun, no drama no fun . ok ok lari tajuk :-o so this will be my appreciation post for my best buddies :-) but i'm not gonna list all of them, just a few. kalau takde, don't worry, i still love yu gais :3
kanak-kanak riang yang postpone meeting law016 semata-mata nak exercise.
*sighs* apa nak jadi

pizza hut gang
suci sia muka semorang hahahaha

Anna,  my Kelantanese friend with that super-Kelantan-spirit hahaha :D Mung memang sempoi, cool and awesome. Obvious sangat minat kau dengan photography. Well, kalau kau dapat achieve minat kau dalam photography, go for it. It'll make you happier :) Try your best and insyaAllah you'll get something in return, trust me :D Be confident and stay sempoi okay :D ❤

Nana, my fellow Nogori friend :-D A quiet and shy person at first, but once you know her, she's actually a sarcastic-badass-girl okay. LWA01D's princess and well-known for her cool styles. *_* She resembles Blair Waldorf (ciked ah jgn perasan angad lak muehehe). But whenever she laughs, she'll laugh like a grandma ahaha :'D At first, susah nak ngam with her but lama-lama okay je budak ni. But kalau nak ngam dengan mudah, talk with her about cats because she loves cats so much. Ok skip to my farewell message for you Nana, thanks for being one of my close friends during my foundation studies. Hopefully we could reunite again with our classmates in future ❤

Nabs, one of the persons that I first met in the class. Ingat lagi our first ELC080 class Mdm Bhajan, we were in the same group together with Sarah and Sarah :D LOL THAT WAS AWKWARD (like seriously awkward gila hahaha), At first, I thought Sarah's your bestfriend tau hahaha. Rupanya, semua pun macam baru kenal. and yeah you're the first introvert (real introvert punyalah!! memang bukan acah-acah introvert dah) yang i jumpa! Sometimes awkward jugaklah but later, okay je. You're actually a cool gal ;) I admire your obsessiveness towards books -- lagi-lagi fictional stories haaa. Anyway, I wish you all the best for the future. ❤

Eiza, first and foremost, thanks for being a kind friend to me. Especially during the first semester, when you helped me a lot when I was sick (besides Sarah). You're one of a kind, genius dalam diam, athletic. Jealous tengok how good you are in sports and education *nangis jap*. and sorry if I failed to be a good friend for you :( I can never repay your kindness T.T Anyway, I'm very sure that you'll pass the second semester with flying colours, like the first semester. Do well in future okay :) Don't worry, I won't forget you :D Thanks for the memories ❤

Yank, my twin!! Comel je aku tengok (haaA PEDO ALERT!!!!) Sangat clingy and cute dengan kawan (yeah kita sama personality gang!!!) Berani berhadapan dengan musuh ketatku iaitu LIPAS. Sentiasa ceria and comel(ok berapa kali nak ulang doh..hhhhh) Petah berbicara, pandai dan aktif wakaka. Pandai berfesyen :""")) unlike me T_T Part paling best, affectionate dgn kwn hahahah i'm so going to miss you *cries* ❤

alamak anna isn't in this photo heol nvrmind

Chacha, a 4-dimensional girl with a big interest towards Kardashians lol. Memang kalau tak kenal dia, orang ingat dia ni pendiam nak mampus (because she's also introvert). But once you get to know her, get ready to be bombarded with middle finger and curses from this girl LMAO. Sangat cool, fashionable and sassy but at the same time, cute mcm Teletubbies punya baby Sun lol. And she's also very intelligent. She's the real definition of beauty with brain okay :) *proud friend here* Sometimes very manja one with friends hahaha. Love you chacha, stay fabulous and intelligent. Good luck for your future, sure dapat Dean's List lagi ni :) ❤

Tati/Sarah, my super adorable-dorky buddy!! Also very sassy one. Can kill you with her powerful sassiness (yep yep), Kelakar nak mampus. The dumber in our dumb and dumber secret partnership (heheh aku cop dulu dumb :p) She wasn't a fan of Kpop before but after awhile, she's now trapped inside the dirty world of Kpop. so, we sometimes fangirl on unnecessary kpop shits for fun :D Sangat cool but hati fragile and can cry easily kalau ada orang lain menangis hahahaha. Sometimes jadi 'photographer' class sebab ada iphone lol kesian doh. Btw, sorrylah sbb suka ambil phone kau and spam phone kau dengan selfie aku yang buruk ni. :""""))) Suka gaduh dengan kau and acah-acah gedik omaigod. Anyway, I love you T_T you'll always be my dumber <3 stay sassy and savage my queen and good luck for your future. ❤

Tia, my fellow January baby!~ Another 4-dimensional girl with a big interest towards Kpop (jugak). I find her very cute actually (gheinyerrr yasss i'm bi eh jk). But sometimes can be very quiet, cepat marah lol, and kuat majox cam baby. and sometimes self-esteem low :( oh bby girl, believe me, you're beautiful the way you are.Be courageous and bold ye. You're way prettier than some hot gurlz in Dengkil. (tak tipu betullah ni hish). And, stay strong whenever you feel down. Somehow, I cannot be there 24/7 for you, so keep your head up and face the harsh world with a strong heart and strong faith in yourself. I love the way you are, I LOVE YOU and stay cute :) Good luck for your future bby ❤

Hana, my other side of me (cewah)! Most of my friends have low confidence, including myself so it's actually quite refreshing to have a friend with stable confidence. But, sometimes I feel pity for her that she has to try her hardest to get her dream CGPA. Sometimes a crybaby(but she only cries about her studies, not boys, kira oklah tu kan!). I appreciate and thank you for being there for me when I was depressed. I'm really grateful that you and our buddies were there for me. Anyway, I will miss all the time we spent together. We have been bestfriends for almost a year, and shared our problems and secrets. I wish all the best for you and thanks for being my friend. ❤

Fin, also a 4-dimensional girl that lives quite near to my place. This is that particular kid who loves to throw shade (lol savage kan) and who loves to shout in the public hahahaha. She's bipolar but not the bipolar disorder. She always has mood swings. You're beautiful (yes I understand how hard for you to realize that you're actually beautiful). Thanks for listening to me whenever I need someone to talk to even though it might be a burden for you. Thanks for allowing me to hug you shamelessly in public. You're one of my friends that could understand all the pain behind my tears. And for you, I could only say stay strong. Hopefully we could meet and hang out together and have fun again. Paint your beautiful face with a smile everytime you're facing calamities. I love you and all the best ❤

the gijibaes. since 1997x1998
Ika, my ex-roommate and housemate! She's really kind, friendly and strong. Sorry kalau aku buat salah :( And thanks for being a good sister to me. I miss the moments when we had to handle Kolej Mawar for awhile and mental-breakdown gila kan :"""))) Gonna miss all the times when you and the others laughed at me because I was bad at talking to someone through phone calls lol. Ya ya aku gagap kahkahkah. Anyway, can't wait to see your first book being published, and tak sabar nak tengok kau duduk pelamin ewah. :) ❤

Wawa, my first Sabahan friend ever!! My gorgeous sister. Memang pujaan setiap kumbang diluar sana wakaka. Pakai apa-apa pun still nampak cantik. Pakailah kain batik ke, kotak ke, still cantik lol. She's very brave and sometimes mudah terhibur. Anak sulung yang kental yang terpaksa tinggal berjauhan daripada keluarga terchenta. Sometimes kesian tengok dia, mesti rindu gila dekat family. Poor bby gurl, time cuti mid-sem, dia je tak balik :[ You're really good at dancing (jealousnyerrr i love dancing too but i just don't have the talent). also petah berbicara and friendly. Anyway, moga dapat kahwin dengan ehem ehem and hopefully we could see each other again! ❤

Intan, my housemate and tablemate(dekat rumah). Waktu first jumpa, tak puas hati dengan minah ni sebab dia dapat cop meja dalam rumah tu dulu lol. And waktu first, ingat dia ni tak friendly. But subsequently, we became best buddies in the house hahaha. Geng kuat menganjing, geng minat kdramas, and banyak jugak similarities between us. Sometimes her words can be harsh tapi I'm already used to it but for some people, maybe susah nak ngam. Thanks for allowing us to borrow your stuff :""""))) THANKS FOR THE DELICIOUS FOOD YAS and tenkiu girl for being a good friend :) ❤

Syaza, used to be Eiza's roommate before. My first impression towards her was quite bad tbh. I thought she's arrogant or something because when we passed by each other in Shah Alam, she rarely smiled back at me .__. But then, suddenly second semester jadi roommate. Haa gitu kan jodoh. She's so obsessed with her cheesy pickup lines lol (cheesy but i actually liked them :p). Kuat menjerit (not literally shouting but erm, bila bercakap, kalau boleh nak bagi satu dunia tau lol). She looks matured tapi tak pun actually ahahaha. So innocent and naive, lagi innocent daripada aku omg T_T Suci macam baby betul budak ni :"""))) Anyway, thanks sbb bagi pinjam barang bagi kami yang mesikin ni lol warga D2-5-7. I love you my hati. You're beautiful (yass you are) and next time kalau jadi roommate lagi, I won't bully you anymore :"""))) ❤

Sarah, my ex-roommate, housemate, and classmate. The first girl that I met in Uitm and the first girl I that I talked to in Uitm. My special and best buddy *_* Very hardworking and classy. We both share the same interest which is Kpop. My first impression towards her is that she looks so polite and kind. Yes dia menepati my first impression but she's the queen of sassy. hahahaha sangatlah diva and princess-like. Very close to her family members, and good in making friends with everyone. Geng kuat menganjing jugak and geng dancerz lol. Me Gustas Tu was our anthem lmao. Anyway, thank you Sarah gorgeous for being there for me. Thanks for all your advices and thanks for being there whenever I was having stress. Thanks for understanding me eventhough I, myself can't even understand myself. Thanks for giving me your shoulder for me to lean on. To me, you're like a sister to me (atau kalau nak over sikit, macam angel hahaha). Hopefully you'll get flying colours for your results and good luck for your future. All the best and hopefully our friendship will last forever and thanks for everything. ❤

warga d2-5-7 (rumah tepi tong sampah dan hujung dunia huhuhuhuhuhu)

In simpler words, thanks to all my friends for giving me such good memories for me to remember. Hopefully our friendships will last forever or at least, last longer. InsyaAllah, we will meet each other again :") To all my friends, thanks for showing me the dreams that I didn't have the courage to achieve all by myself.  We might not be able to see each other everyday again, but we are still able to contact each other. :)


  1. Replies
    1. alamak dibaaaa hahaha apeni apeni mcm mana tau ni :3 (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

  2. Hey there u can speak Chinese kah ni? ����

    1. hiii erm i used to speak chinese when i was 5 but i didn't practice at all after that so i no longer can speak like how i used to. i only remember some basic words now. ◉ 3 ◉

    2. Oh woah why u don't learn it anymore ? Ahaha it's okay u can still learn it :)) anyway I like ur post :)

    3. aww thanks ^^ i'm planning to learn chinese again as my 3rd language during my degree studies later. it'll surely give me benefits for my future :)


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