Foundation in Law (UiTM) - Semester 1 (2015)

asasi undang undang uitm shah alam (kptm) - semester satu wee *_*

Hello there!

After 5 months studying, I finally finished my first semester!! *throws confetti*

Firstly, I don't know what should I write (even though I planned to write so many things during this semester break but lol my brain is not functioning very well....ok what a lame reason)  I guess, I'll just share some information for you kids need for Law Foundation!! (for first semester only :3)

law faculty in uitm shah alam. taken by me while exploring the campus after mds week :) 
law faculty in uitm shah alam.

Oh anyway, all foundation students (science, engineering, law and TESL) will move to a new campus special for foundation students located in Dengkil. And my batch will be the first batch to conquer that place lol. Hopefully it would be fun there since there will be less distractions than here... or maybe even worse!!

In the first semester, you will learn 7 subjects. The subjects are :-
  1. CSC134 - Computer & Information Processing

    You will learn about the computers and how they work. Topics involved are storage, system unit, application software, system software, internet, communications, privacy,security, ethics and many more. This subject is an okay subject for me. (but for final exam, there'll be a lot of things you need to memorize.... T.T)

  2. CTU085/IDA - Islamic World View

    For non-Muslims, you'll learn other subject (I forgot the subject name though). Basically, Islamic World View is same like Tasawwur subject. For this semester, you will need to memorize surah al-Mulk.

  3. ELC080 - English for Foundation Studies 1

    This subject is to prepare students for MUET exam. Well, you will need to gain Band 4 in MUET for LLB later.

  4. ELC091 - Critical Reading and Reasoning for Foundation Studies

    In this subject, you will learn about fallacies, author's tones, stuff like that. At the same time, you will need to do presentations for this subject. Yes, this subject requires you to think differently and read more about current situations.

  5. LAW012 - Introduction to Law 1

    This subject is one of the killer subjects for semester 1. There are quite a lot of students that have to repeat for this subject. Basically, this subject is about laws. Topics for this subject are Law as Rules, Law and Morality, Law and Justice, Law and Equality, Rules of Law, Law and Freedom. Federal Constitution book is needed for this subject. To master this subject, you will need to do more exercises (using past year tests) because the questions are actually the same but in different terms/patterns(?).

  6. LAW016 - Introduction to Malaysian System of Government and Politics

    In my opinion, this subject is easy but.... you have to memorize a lot of acts for this subject.... :( And I think I did very badly for this subject :((( Hopefully I'll pass T_T 

    In this subject, you will learn about the our history, types of governments, powers of the government, federal and state governments, NGO, fundamental rights, monarchy system, Islam in Malaysia, and special rights for bumiputra. Easy to learn but quite hard to memorize all of the acts that are linked with the topics.... and the Fed Cons book is also required for this subject.

  7. LAW038 - Legal Research and Library Processing Skills

    For me, I think this is the easiest law subject and quite fun actually. Like LAW012,016, you will need to exercise using past year questions because the questions are more or less the same.

    You'll learn about MLA, APA citations, types of libraries, types of materials, how to read Acts, how to cite cases, sources of law, and databases. Yes, a lot of reading and memorization are required... as usual... lol....
Whew. Basically, my first semester is like a roller-coaster ride. Ups and downs. Twist here and there lah. Pening. Exhausted. Tired. hahahah.

I made a lot of friends too. Well I thought I will be some kind of lone ranger kid here but instead, I got too many friends lol. and I love them.

For me, college life is fun! It depends on how well you adapt with everything that's going on and make sure you focus on studies too. Law foundation is really tiring and I hope you'll endure it well. And please pray for me as the first semester results will be out this 13th November (Friday)! Hopefully I'll pass with flying colors~~~~~

UPDATE : Got 3.52 for the first semester. Alhamdulillah. Didn't expect that whew! :) Hopefully this won't be the first and last time for me to get the Dean's list lol

and if you need any help(or lecture notes), leave a comment/email me at fl0ppyg00n@gmail.com ^^

UPDATE : CLICK HERE for more information about second semester :3



Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you and hello there!!

So today, I'd like to talk about glossophobia.

First of all, glossophobia is basically about the fear of public speaking. And I'm very sure many of you are having this phobia and find it hard to deal with public speaking or presentation.

For your information, I have this phobia since I  was in elementary school... As a pre-law student, I have to do so many presentations, and sometimes, debate. and...... everytime my lecturers ask us (the students) to prepare for presentations and debates and stuff, I feel like dying... LIKE ALL THE TIME.

hmm this is an accurate representation of my reaction everytime i hear the word "PRESENTATION" or "DEBATe"

I don't know why would I feel scared of it. During presentations, usually I'll tremble, and find it hard to remember what I'm supposed to talk about, and having a hard time to make an eye contact with everyone((even tho i know them very well lol))

I've tried so many times to overcome my fear, by joining competitions like public speaking since I was 10, but that fear just won't leave... >_> (i've been fighting with this fear for 7 years wew)

But I have no problem to dance in front of public hahahah idek but that's the problem. Speaking in front of public will kill my soul literally but dancing in front of public won't. eh eh o.O and i forgot to mention that my communication skills is below average lol. (i'm having this awkward relationship with everyone--- including my father.)

I'm just hoping that one day I can overcome this fear.. so that I won't flop during job interviews in the future. 


13th Ramadhan 1430H.


It has been 6 years.

6 years since she left me.

Who is she? My beloved one and only mother. 


I still remember on that day, 13th Ramadhan 1430H, when she passed away (I was 11 yrs old). I wasn't there unfortunately. (which makes me really sad every time I try to remember about her). I knew she was actually sick at that time (Breast cancer, stage 4) but I was busy preparing for my exam. ((yeap I'm a bad daughter for neglecting her)). She passed away on that day while praying for Asar prayer, during tashahhud right after reciting the shahadah... yes it was beautiful and she passed away peacefully.  I remembered seeing her face after that. She smiled even though she's already gone. 

I remembered she cried a lot after she found out about her disease. We cried together, that's for sure. :'( BUT, I still remember all the good times we spent together.  But if I could turn back time, I would treasure all the time with her. well, I regret for not doing that. 


Now, I really miss her scent. I really want to tell her that her only daughter is now a grown up teenage. I really want to talk to her because I have no one to talk to about my problems. And I miss her voice, the food that she always cook for me, and everything about her. 

The only thing I could do for her is, pray for her for the hereafter. And in the next life, I hope I can be her daughter again.

An eleven year old girl had a panic attack
'Cause the mother she loved left and never looked back
No longer the heroine she counted on
The mother told her she loved her and then she was gone

The girl tried to look happy in front of her friends
But knew that she'd never feel normal again
She fought back the tears as they filled her eyes
And wanted her mother back just to tell her goodbye
This isn't the end. 


When can I smile again?

For the past two years, I was lost and felt all alone all the time. Every single day, I have to struggle and fight with my own soul. At first , I could keep away those sad feeling and anxiety but they keep haunting me after that.

Not sure if I was having depression or just sad. But I've read about depression and I was having the same symptoms in severe condition. (click here for more info) I haven't meet any psychiatric so far so I'm still until now not sure whether I was having depression or not. get it?

I was just an average student in my school. Got average grades because I'm not a special intelligent kid. I have to study like shit if I want to achieve excellent results but I'm just not into that kind of studying method so meh. But after going through shit(depression maybe), my grades were falling. Quite bad actually. :/ 

Besides, I was really alone. Especially when I don't even have anyone to talk to. My mom passed away when I was 11. While my dad's really busy. I have a stepmother but I rarely talk to her. My siblings? We're no longer close since my late mother left us. Well, I really miss those times. However, those are just memories. Such bittersweet memories. What about friends? Well I tried to talk to them but well they don't really know how to console me or they don't really understand. It wasn't that easy. Maybe I was just a silhouette to them. Well, it's okay....

During those 2 years, suicidal thoughts were always on my mind. (and right now, i still have these suicidal thoughts.) but until now, i'm still alive. Alhamdulillah. My religion (Islam) forbids us to commit suicide. And I'm such a coward because I'm quite scared of death even tho I feel like dying. 

And now? Trying my best to fight this awful feeling. Even tho my heart is screaming loudly that it hurts, I still need to find strength and stand up for myself. I know life isn't all about rainbows,candies and unicorns. We all know that. 

Hopefully I could throw away all these bad feelings inside me. . . . (i'm posting this because i've been keeping this shit for too long. 2 years might be short to you but this shit is killing me inside out)


Foundation in Law - UiTM or IPG?


It has been awhile since UPU result came out on May 6th, 2015. Alhamdulillah, I received an offer from UiTM (University Teknologi Mara) -- Foundation in Law (KPTM). At first, I didn't expect anything since I was quite sad when I checked the matriculation result before. (Because I didn't get the offer, so I was really sad lol)

I got the second choice so I was quite sad too. (ok don't bash me i was just sad ok). My first choice was Foundation in Human Sciences in IIUM. I didn't get my first choice , I was quite surprised lol because my results were okay for that course and for Law too. But, I should be grateful since I got the offer. There're a lot of my friends didn't get any offer, I feel bad for them. :( Girls, be strong and stay strong!!!

Praise be to God, I already bought a lot of stuffs rn. hahahaha yeap way too early i guess. I guess I was really eager because I never got any chance to stay at hostel or dorm. So,,,, this is my opportunity. And I actually registered for Form 6 (and studied for awhile, it was great, I had fun and I loved the Mathematics T aka Math Teruk teacher hahaha and my new school was really big and nicer than my previous school ahah!). But I quit the school after 2 weeks.

Although I got a good course (to me, this course is superbbbbb!!! and I like criminology + psychology). UNFORTUNATELY, my parents at first didn't like my course (i don't even know why). Even though this course might be a killer course for students like me (i'm lazy liao), but I have passion in psychology and would like to continue my tertiary studies in psychology... And after discussinggg, they were okay, JUST OKAY with my choice.

Even though I already got the offer, I still have to wait for IPG result. The result will be out on 29/5 i guess, and I have to register on 2nd June for foundation in law. Well, still thinking just in case if I get the offer from IPG. Since my parents want me to go to IPG and continue my studies there but I just don't really like it :/ (except for the allowance ahahha) . Feeling lost and helpless rn. Hopefully I'll choose correctly or I might regret later.

Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows,while you know not. --Al-Quran // 2:216-- 


UPDATE : I'm currently studying in.... UITM! ^^

and here's another post about semester one in uitm! BYE :D


Interview IPG 2015 (Mathematics)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and peace be upon you and YO WADDUP HOMIES!! lol teruk beno

sekali lagi kalau nak tips je leh scroll down lepas gambo kucing meow meow neko-chan comel ye.

Baru-baru ini (ceh padahal baru tadi, 29/4/2015) aku pergi ke temuduga IPG sesi kemasukan Jun 2015 bagi subjek Matematik. And Alhamdulillah dah lepas interview tu! Takde lagi rasa resah xD Okay first ni info psl venue, yadda yadda.

Tempat : IPG Kampus Ipoh, Hulu Kinta
Tarikh : 29.04.2015
Sesi : 1(pukul 9 am baru start) // Bilik : C

Dalam surat tawaran pukul 8 ialah masa pendaftaran. I arrived there at 7.50 am i think. Datang-datang je, pergi ke tempat duduk. Ikut group bilik. Mostly dalam bilik C ni semuanya yang apply subjek Matematik. Kitorang tak duduk dalam dewan kuliah pun. Tapi duduk dekat dean bilik2 A,B,C,D dan yadda yadda. Masa tu baru pukul 8 pagi, masih ramai belum datang lagi. Jadi, sementara menunggu, ada pegawai yang bertugas akan bagi nametag untuk kami dan mmg kena pakai. Itu untuk memudahkan para panel penemuduga untuk tau nama kita okay so just pakai je.

Oh yaaaa, sijil perlu disusun ikut urutan. Dekat sana ada urutannya, jadi sempat lagi nak susun, so susunlah dengan betul-betul. Jangan susun last minit nanti kang x pasai-pasai kena marah dengan panel tu. Just in case, ini dia list :- (sama untuk sijil sebenar dgn sijil salinan)

  • IC/ Salinan IC
  • Surat beranak
  • Sijil Berhenti Sekolah
  • Sijil/Slip SPM
  • Sijil akademik (peka semua tu)
  • Sijil Kokurikulum
Okay better susun the night before d-day kalau rasa hari iv tu nak datang lambat lel. Kalau x disahkan, boleh cari mana-mana pegawai yg akan tolong sahkan ye. 

Tunggu punyalah lama, akhirnya tiba giliran~~ Bilik C yang start interview dulu kot hahaha yang bilik lain siap boleh rileks lagi tapi tak pe, just masuk bilik wuuu. Dalam group sesi 1 bilik C, ada 8 students. And all of us are gurlz. #GURLPOWERWALAOWEH
hmm yeah gurl power but we muslim gurlz can only flip our tudungs lel.
Dalam bilik C, ada 2 panel. One is a chinese lady, and another one is a malay man. Both are IPG lecturers. Maybe both of them pun mengajar Maths but apa-apa lah. @__@ So Tuan Panel tu pun mulakan , dia explain psl sesi interview.

Sebelum bermula, masing-masing perlu mempromotekan diri sendiri. EH. haha. kena introduce diri sendiri. (Sesetengah panel dekat tempat lain ada yang kena speaking, but toksah risau lah. Kata cikgu, kenalah power, relax sudah.)


  1. Tayangan video bermula. Kami dapat video lagu ''Keranamu Malaysia''. Oh yeah lagu tu~~
  2. Pastikan kome perhatikan video tu ye , perhatikan lirik sekali lel.
  1. BERDASARKAN VIDEO, kome perlu explain dekat panel, apa yang cuba ditunjukkan dalam video tersebut.
  2. Berikan nilai-nilai murni sekali. Take turn untuk bercakap. Group aku cool sebab masing-masing sanggup mengalah xD 
  3. Kalau dpt lagu ni, sebenarnya senang jugak. Sebab boleh cilok drpd lirik lagu kohkohkoh.
  4. Tapi, lepas tu, panel tu tanya berdasarkan nilai-nilai murni yang setiap seorang dah sebut, berikan sumbangan yg telah anda lakukan kepada negara dan bangsa.
  5. Aku bertuahlah sikit sebab start dulu, dan bagi nilai murni inovatif.
  6. So explainlah berjela-jela psl penyertaan aku waktu sekolah dulu dari segi inovatif. (Menyertai pertandingan inovasi semua tu)
  7. Lepas tu, masing-masing pun bagitau lah psl sumbangan diorang~~~
  8. Habis je semua dah bagi sumbangan... Panel suruh kami berbincang dengan masing-masing. Panel pulak akan tengok dari jauh.
alolololo comeyyyy :33333
Lepas tu, masing-masing akan berbincang pasal cabaran guru dan penyelesaian masalah. Jangan risau kalau tak tau nak cakap apa, dipersilakan merepek. Tapi, jangan banyak sangat cakap sampai tak bagi orang lain chance. Dahlah banyak cakap , lepas tu tak bagi orang lain chance, pas tu pi bagi semua idea yang orang lain pun nak kasi. Aduh. Jgn pentingkan diri lol kena saling membantu ye.

Sesi 3 (Heart to Heart)
  1. Hahaha nama sesi ni diberikan sendiri oleh panel tu xD Okaylah tu okaylah not bad.
  2. Dalam sesi ni, setiap peserta students perlu ceritakan dengan JUJUR tentang cita-cita sebenar. Dia pun tanya berapa peratus nak jadi cikgu, dan berapa peratus nak jadi <<insert your ambition here>>
  3. Dlm group aku, ada 2 org bagitau diorang punya cita-cita hanyalah guru. Yang 5 lagi, ada nak jadi engineer,doktor,ahli farmasi, dengan doktor gigi. Dan aku sorang je sesat pergi bagi sampai 3 cita-cita xD punyalah semangat. Dengan happynya ku menjawab "cita-cita saya ialah ahli psikologi,guru dan penterjemah bahasa isyarat." LOL but at least aku dah berjaya meng-grab attention kedua-dua panel hahaha walaupun cita-cita ku tak semegah engineer mahupun doktor ataupun pharmacist. 
  4. Waktu bagi jwpn psl peratus tu, kebykannya jwb 70% cikgu lah, ada yg 90% cikgu dan ada yang 100%.. dan lagi sekali aku sorang je sesat yang paling rendah. bagi 50-50 je leuls.
  5. Students yg jwb nak jadi doktor/engineer/ahli farmasi tu akan ditanya bertubi-tubi oleh panel. Panel meng"psiko"kan mental kome. (Hmmm macam dalam VIDEO MAWAR RASHID TU LOL YG INTERVIEW GST TU APA TULAH XD #epicfail #jgnjadibimboguys #thankgodi'mnotthatpretty #stopcyberbully #ohirony)
  6. Dan aku rileks je siap leh explain lagi aku minat psikologi tanpa dipsiko. KAHKAH :))))))))
  7. Lepas tu bukan tu je sesi psiko masih belum berakhir. Panel tanya lagi , macam mana kalau dihantar ke kwsn pedalaman. Dan panel jugak sempat bercerita psl keburukan ipg hahaha. Tapi kena jwb dgn konfiden je, diorang saje psiko kita tu. Tapi satu je yang aku kena 'belasah' pasal suara tak kuat hohoho.
  8. Oh ye kitorang x pakai bahasa melayu baku. Kitorang siap campur dgn english (eh tak tu aku sorang je lol penangan sekolah convent dan manglish..... =.=")
  9. Lepas tu, habis lah sesi interview dengan jayanya tepat pada pukul 10:12 am. YEAHH
Hahahaha sepatutnya aku rasa x puas hati sbb aku xdelah buat bagus sgt. Bagi idea pun bukannya reti nak elaborate lol. Tapi tak tau kenapa happy sangat bila keluar daripada bilik tu xD Maybe sbb time interview rasa mcm relax dan sempoi je. Sebelum berambus, sempat bersalam dengan lecturer lady tu :3 (muka dia mcm teacher add maths dulu, huhuhu miss her <3 )

  • Lain panel lain soalannya dan lain videonya. So prepare yourself. Tengok video-video Osman Baku, Nick Vujicic, Keranamu Malaysia dan iklan-iklan Petronas. Tengok je haish buatlah preparation.
  • Lain subjek lain soalannya tau. Mcm kalau sejarah, maybe akan ditanya pasal pelan pendidikan semua tu . ((HABISLAH KOME))
  • Tak perlu hafal sangat pasal isu semasa. Ambik tau cukup lah ye.
  • Waktu interview, cuba rilekskan diri. Aku tau susah sbb aku pun mula-mula takut sgt hahaha. Masuk je bilik start tarik nafas slow-slow. Pastu tangan tu rileks je even tho rasa mcm berpeluh gila walaupun bilik tu ber-aircond.
  • Body- badan tu jgn dilentukkan sgt time berckp. Itu tandanya nervous lol. Sebab budak sebelah aku terlalu nervous aku rasa. Setiap kali dia bercakap, mesti dia mulalah tangan dia gigil, kaki pun goyang teruk sangat huhuhu. Kesian dia nervous sgt. Maybe dia ni socially awkward that's why.
  • Cakap kuat, jangan jadi mcm aku. hahaha nanti kena 'belasah' dgn panel sbb cikgu suara kena kuat huhuhuuhuhu T_____________T
  • Bila di-'psiko' oleh panel, bagilah idea bernas untuk support diri sendiri . Lepas tu, konfiden je dgn jawapan tu. hohoho :3
  • Good luck and all the best. 
  • Oh ye breakfast awal pagi, kalau tak , nanti takut xleh nak breakfast.
  • Pakai baju yang simple dan kemas. Tudung tu bagi tutup dada tu ye wahai kaum gegurlz. Nak jadi cikgu, kenalah ikut peribadi betul. Ish ish. (#notajudgementalpersonbutsometimesquitejudgemental ) amboi panjang hashtag xD
  • Ada yang kata perempuan kena pakai high heels/kasut bertumit. sebab itu melambangkan konfiden. TAPI aku mmg kalau pakai kasut gitu mmg x de makna nak konfiden xD lagi takut adalah, yelah takut terjatuh ke hahahaha dah lah clumsy teruk gila. So kalau x biasa pakai kasut bertumit, pakai je kasut flat. Bukannya dosa pun. Jgn lupa pakai stoking ye, tutup kaki tu eh, aurat tu ye :3
nanti jadi camni, sendiri malu ye. waaaaaaa

Hmm result akan keluar lambat, so aku pergi masuk form 6 dulu dengan geng :DDDD korang yang pepandai ni masuklah matrikulasi dulu sambil tunggu. lol saja boldkan perkataan tu sbb yelah org kekampung ni selalu ckp form 6 ni untuk orang buduh. YEA RIGHT. How can my friend who got 8As masuk form 6 you nincom...?? Lol sabar jelah nak wat camne, dah pemikiran kolot dulu,kini dan selamanya. *nangis*

Good luck bagi bakal guru di luar sana!! Ayuh menuju kejayaan~~~~ \o/~~~~~


RANT : Matrikulasi & STPM

Salam!!Hi there!

Baru-baru ni, keputusan matrikulasi/kemasukan tingkatan 6 dah keluar kan. Ramai yang keliru nak ambil matrik/form 6 atau tunggu upu and vice versa. And for me, I got form 6;; science stream!~


Bukan tu je, ramai yang tak nak ambil matrikulasi atau pun tingkatan 6 dengan alasan : SUSAH / TAK NAK JADI BUDAK SEKOLAH.

lol basically those are just stupid/weak reasons unless if you think you can get upu , sure can get one lah. Okay lah, nak dapat UPU depends pada result SPM & course yang dipilih. Sebab ada sesetengah student x dapat UPU. Imagine kalau you ppl dah tolak matrikulasi/form 6, and then upu satu apa pun xdpt. Pergi mereput sana apply IPTS jela yang boleh.

That's why, bila dapat permohonan matrikulasi/form 6, better JANGAN TOLAK. Just in case x dapat UPU, siapa yang susah kan? Diri sendiri lah. Oh ya, jangan risau pasal kalau terima matrikulasi/form 6 , xkan dpt upu. Itu hanyalah mitos. Pergi tanya mana-mana senior, diorang pun akan cakap masuk dulu. Sambil tunggu UPU, at least boleh belajar sekejap. Jadi hakuna matata.(It means no worries)!

And banyak yang cakap :

  • buat apa nak masuk matrikulasi? susah gila nak dapat tempat untuk sambung degree nanti tau!! ERM HALLUUU BEDAH OI, rezeki di tangan Tuhan. InsyaAllah dapat. Make sure pointer bagus. sama jugak mcm STPM. Kena study hard and dapatkan pointer elok je. (Abg saya pernah masuk matrik program 2 tahun, and even tho pointer dia just 2.30-2.70 something around 2 pointer but above 2.00 lah for sure, and dia dapat UNIMAS course geologi and now dia dah graduate dan dapat offer untuk bekerja di London for petroleum semua tu.) See? InsyaAllah ada rezeki. Trust YOURSELF.
  • STPM antara exam top 5 paling susah kat dunia tau!!!!! Ni sekor lagi, lol korang tak tengok lagi A-level macam mana, tak pun IB or oversea punya College Entrance Exam.. Itu lagi dahsyat sebenarnya. STPM ni pun susah jugak. Tapi susah kalau kita main ambil salah aliran atau malas belajar. Semuanya berbalik kepada diri sendiri akhirnya. and basically this fact isn't relevant anymore. WHY? Okay cuba renungkan sebentar. Zaman dulu, STPM ni lebih kurang macam PASUM (Pusat Asasi UM) ;; maksud saya , SUSAH sangat nak masuk. Dulu, yang masuk stpm ni memang yang pandai-pandai je. Sekarang, terbaliklah , yang dpt result biasa kena campak kat tingkatan 6.(Don't get me wrong, korang bukannya tak pandai, tapi tak cukup usaha masa spm, atau memang korang tersalah pilih aliran masa form 4) But still ada je budak form 6 sekarang yang dapat straight A masuk sana. For example : my ex-seniors yang dulu top students kat sekolah masuk form 6. I was shocked at first sebab ingatkan they already enrolled in universities but they chose form 6. Anddd form 6 ni pun byk kelebihan jugak mcm asasi dan matrikulasi.)
 Basically, asasi/matrikulasi/diploma/a-level/tingkatan 6/ib/sijil/dan macam-macam lagi yang setaraf dengannya, ada pros dan cons dia sendiri (kelebihan & keburukan). Lihat dari segi positif okay. Be optimistic. And kalau tak sure pasal nak jadi apa bila dah graduate , make sure korang dah tetapkan cita-cita MULAI SEKARANG. It'll help you to achieve great results later. Okay tau tau!
Okay, those yang rasa matrik/stpm ni susah, apa kata kome takyah belajo. Menganggur sebab semua benda memang susah pun. Yelah diploma pun susah jugak, tu susah ni susah. Janganlah cakap susah, aduhai -..- ....

pls jgn mengarut lagi ermigad.

Okay for more information untuk UPU and their merit system, boleh click : CLICK ME PPL

And selamat kembali ke sekolah/selamat belajar! Better perbaiki cara belajar if your SPM results sucks! And make sure dah ada cita-cita yang tetap! It'll be easier for you later, trust me.


Ujian Kecergasan Calon Guru (UKCG 2015)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello gais!!

thanks to google for the awesome hello gif

Okay, let's get started!

So PISMP 2015 online application was opened last month (February 2015 i think). At first, I'm not really into this profession. Nah this profession was my last choice okay lol. But my father and my aunt kept insisting me to apply for this. Because erm basically IPG students will get elaun and they don't have to pay for the fees (KOT LAH). I applied for Mathematics as my first choice (since I love Maths and Add Maths -- don't bash me for loving these 2 critical subjects. lol these are the only subjects I'm good at T___T), and my second choice was Reka Bentuk Teknologi [ I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS THAT, I JUST APPLIED FOR THIS BECAUSE MY FATHER INSISTED ME TO APPLY THAT SUBJECT... I actually want to apply for History but nah takut dalam subjek sejarah ada penipuan and you know mana tau berdosa lol don't judge me >:( But lepas submit application baru tergedik nak baca requirement for each subject we choose. And my second choice tak kena requirement lol because I didn't take any of the subjects mentioned. LK??? lol I'm screwed.

Jajan! Tibalah pada hari pengumuman... Checked my name and I got offered to go to UKCG and UKF on 2 April 2015 (at IPG Kampus Ipoh/Hulu Kinta) . At first I was quite scared because I thought the test would be as hard as UTP's educamp test (that bloody TSA cambridge lol). I make some preparations for the UKF (Ujian Kecergasan Fizikal.) Yep you heard that rigt my son. PHYSICAL TEST. 

2 APRIL 2015, 2015/04/02
Like the previous UTP educamp, I woke up earlier to make sure I won't be late for the test. I wore black t-shirt muslimah (yg panjang sampai atas lutut tu) and black tudung and black track bottom, with my new sport shoes leuls. Nampak gothic gitu but who cares. Since I'm from Ipoh, and the campus is located in Hulu Kinta, it wasn't a problem for me to find the campus. Arrived there and my father left me all alone lol because he's working. So I stood in front of the main hall (where we'll be taking ujian bertulis inside there.) about 20 minutes lol before 8 am.

wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i think dis is da main hall
Ehem. So the exam started at 8.30 am. The questions have 2 sections. Section A and Section B. Section A has 100+ questions (Sorry I forgot how many) and Section B has 60 questions. Section A has 2 options (for the answer) and section B has 4 options for you to choose. The time given was 45 minutes. But don't worry, the questions are related to your personality. You know yourself kan or kalau tak, then it'd be a big problem for you hahaha. Answer the questions on the OMR sheet okais.
After battling with the shitty questions, the candidates are allowed to go home (for those yg ada session waktu petang atau lambat lagi) and the rest yg session time pagi can go to the gymnasium. Since my ukf session waktu petang (2.30 pm yo), I went back home. Lepak dulu satgi nak lari lari kang no energy what to do kan.

At 1.40 pm, I went back to IPG campus and searched for the gymnasium. Dekat je dengan padang besaq orait. Datang-datang and then tunggu bawah khemah disediakan. And the facilitators called the candidates to come in a small room. They explained about UKF there and yadda yadda, I went to the toilet pasal sakit perut lol nervous sgt kot. After that, UKF STARTED with warm up. yo warm up first later cramp who wanna take u to da hospital liao.

There're 5 tests :- BMI test, Kilas sisi, Sit-up Variations,Quadrant Jump and last but not least, the bloody BLEEP/BEEP TEST (because it killed me for the next 2 days okay no joke i can't stand properly and walk properly. IT WAS HARD T..T) There will be marks for each test, total marks are 100%!

I'm sure all of you have done this so many times during school times kan kan kan!

Hmm too bad i got underweight and i won't get the full mark (20% i think) T.T normal ppl will get full mark .

This test is the easiest one for me. (FOR ME LAH not sure abt u people). Don't worry it'll be easy if you can balance yourself ;))

I think I got the lowest mark here. (VERY HARD FOR ME BECAUSE I'M NO GOOD LIKE ATHLETE KE APA KE /SOBS) There will be 5 variations. I was able to do the first one only tapi itu pun susah lol luckily ada akak and abam students ipg bagi kata-kata semangat. (I appreciate it guys ;')) Susah jugak nak buat semua sit-up ni pasal takde siapa yang akan tahankan kaki kita. Selalu buat dengan kawan sekolah, mmg akan ada kwn yg tolong tahankan but this time, buat sendiri. Kau fail hilanglah markah macam aku ni T___________T

Hmmmmmm not sure if this is easy or not but okay je lah. You have to focus and lompat selaju yang boleh in the box provided without stepping on the lines in 10 SECONDS. Yes 10 seconds my child. Well, luckily boleh try 2 kali.

yes. mindblownnnnnnnnnn
The hardest part for sure especially for non-athletes and semput people. I forgot what level I got but I could've got to next level but I didn't understand the whole rules so I screwed up even tho I still can continue. I'm born to dodge the rules. lol poyo je. Seriously even kakak and abang ipg tu pun siap bagi kata-kata semangat (sekali lagi :DDDDDDD ) but I didn't understand the bloody rules so I was like *blur* sekejap. And then tak larat nak sambung, just pergi belah xD. YOU KNOW WHY?? It's because of my kaki pancit and perut buncit said NO YOU CAN'T CONTINUE AND YOU WON'T PASS THE TEST GURL. lol sedih betul. Lepas habis je semua test, dah boleh balik. and I WAS DRUNK . lol mcm orang mabuk seriously. Jalan mcm orang mabuk, rasa pening kepala gila, and my legs dah sakit-sakit dah. Balik je, ingat balik rumah. But my parents brought me to a fast food restaurant. Mula-mula cakap je tak nak makan sebab mual sebab lari banyak sangat but then, the burger and the refreshing drink were just too delicious. And sambil tunggu for the order, sempat lagi kena babysit 2 orang budak lol. Mula-mula jaga sat adik perempuanku yang masih kecil, but then datang sorang akak ni bagi anak dia main dgn my sister so i had to look after them since akak tu pergi makan kat meja dia. lol takpalah nasib anak akak ni comel :3

P/S : After-effect beep test sangat menyedihkan, so I suggest for those who're taking the test in a few days, you still have time to practice. Just jogging dekat taman rumah pun dah okay. Or your legs and your butt will hurt for a few days. 

For now, I've changed my mind and I'll go to IPG if I successfully get the offer. Since I also like kids, (like not love.) and I love maths lol why not huh! If I don't get the offer, it's okay I'll go for PSYCHOLOGY (my dream course *____*)

Thanks for reading my post and sorry for my bad writing (English + Malay + Manglish. lol sure fail liao) Kalau ada kesalahan grammar , leh teguq. :)) and good luck if you're taking the test. I'll post about the interview pulak (IF I GET THE OFFER)


UTP EduCamp 2015

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and good morning/afternoon/evening/night peeps.


so,, last december/november 2014(can't remember :(( ) i applied for utp foundation programme for March intake. my choices are :--
1) Civil engineering
2) Petroleum engineering
3) ICT

tak expect apa-apa but of course teringin nak dipilih lol even tho i don't really like engineering (MEH.)

and result keluar 31st January 2015~~ jajannnn~ Bila check, i was shortlisted. huhu happy jugak lah because application utk MJHEP kena reject . *sobs sobs* At first, i wasn't sure what to reply. Yes ke No ke.. Asked my father about it and my father buat donno je lol seriously abah. >..< and finally I decided to go to get some experience sikit pasal interview dek kerana lepas SPM memang jadi penganggur terhormat je kat rumah. Cari kerja pun mcm malas sgt *harharhar*

Educamp tu sampai 4 hari. My session was on 9th February 2015. Moarrning session pulak tuh. So~~ mari mulakan adventure ke UTP ~jajajajn~

I didn't prepare anything at first because I decided to decide that I don't have to decide anymore. EH hahaha i decided not to read anything because I'm such a loser and lazy ass kiddo . lol but then time midnight baru kelam kabut download TSA questions and CPSQ (?) sample questions and then i gave up pasal susah gila hahaha otak karat kot. Since my batch punya educamp is quite different than the previous educamp. Interview dia cuma pendek and the "chosen" candidates have to answer Cambridge TSA questions (Thinking Skills Assessment) and CPSQ (personality punya questions, don't worry. the questions are easy if you understand your own soul. huh?) So lepas penat sakit hati tgok sample questions TSA tu terus tiduq jelah.

9th FEBRUARY 2015

Woke up really early , sbb dah terbiasa bangun pukul 6.30-7 am lepas spm lol teruk betul kan? I pun bersiap and tolak pukul 6.30 am (from Ipoh to Seri Iskandar/Tronoh). Sampai sana , kalau tak silap pukul 7.15-7.30 am kot. But it's okay registration sampai 8.00 am. Sampai je sana, ramai gila student beratur panjangg. I was like perghh sibuk je kome lol. Berbaris jelahh. Depan dan belakang semua tinggi-tinggi. I felt like a dwarf je sbb pendek sgt huhuhu (nak buat macam mana, i'm a petite *perasan jap* #poyo)

credit goes to tumblrrr~~

Waktu sampai sana, takdalah nak jakon sangat lol . I've went there a few times so meh but still university tu cantik gilerzzzzz. Ok continue,. Tgh beratur tu adalah jenguk kiri kanan atas bawah depan belakang, mana tau ada kwn sekolah ke tapi mcm tk de je. HOHOHO SEDIH GILA SO I WAS ALONE JE. But then, ternampak bayangan seorang wanita and that lady H is my ex-tuition classmate time PMR dulu. haha finally ada pun geng kalau x sedih i. :3 Time beratur, ada staff(?) bagi mcm kad(utk tentukan group and number giliran). I forgot what number , 11 kot and dpt Group C. Time register bagi segala benda yg diperlukan and then terus masuk chancellor hall. Huhuhu hall dia pun cun :D

Ok then masuk hall tu lepas tu kena duduk ikut group. Luckily my tuition classmate, lady H aka my ex-tuition classmate pun group C. So we sat next to each other :3 depan kami ada kwn lady H and some boyz. (Yeah ada sekali nak tersepak kepala laki depan lol luckily tak kena and dia pun x sedar hahahah i'm sorry brader) Maka, bermulalah ceramah ~~~ /___\ ''Lady H'' was doing some revision and then online sat pastu sambung balik and then distracted balik lol. Aku pulak dengar je ceramah tu tapi yeah masuk telinga kanan, keluaq telinga kiri. ''Lady H'' asked apa yg sir tu ckp, and i was like *blur~~*

cr to tumblr jugak huhu and oppar <3 liar game <3 best psychology drama everrr
Ok after that, time pukul 9 mcm tu, semua students/candidates bergerak ke kawasan 'kelas'(?). And we went to computer lab for group C. And first, CPSQ(?) test start dulu. Hmm, I think the test is just okay-okay lah compared to TSA (otak karat nak buat macam mana). And then, after siapkan test CPSQ, boleh rest kejap. I pun pergi lah toilet sat. Saja nak tengok jengjalan. Sakit badan duduk lama2 dalam lab tu lol. And then, tadaaa start exam TSA. HOHOHOHOHO. THE QUESTIONS WERE BLOODY HARD ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DIDN'T DO ANY REVISION HARHARHAR . But luckily basic add math x lupa. (Question tu mcm probability+english+maths+logic+idek)

Setelah menjawab semua soalan dengan penuh berkarisma, tibalah masa interview. At first i thought the interview will be held in a small hall ke apa ke mcm dlm blog kakak2/abam2 UTP yg post psl educamp. But neyyy, short interview je dekat dlm lab tu. Ada a few lecturers(lecturers lah kot or maybe i should call them interviewerz or watever) asked questions mcm :-

  • your name,ambition, why do u choose this course, basically about you. YES YOU PRECIOUS KID.
  • current issues
  • issues mcm hmmmm traffic ke apa ke. (mostly isu yang bermasalah lol :- traffic congestion / etc etc etc)
Interviewer yg tanya i tu lady. And she asked me :- what's your name, and then terus tanya how to reduce traffic congestion. and mcm biasa lah i ni shy shy cat and cepat blur and cepat lupa so i was like... "........." . Then bagi 3 ideas, (well actually only 1 idea, and the other 2 ideas tu sebenarnya elaboration dia ja lol punyalah confident jawab) and then she asked hmm do u have any question? and once again blur blur, and then ckp no and then ,,,, habis mcm tu je. haha. After that, keluar bilik lari terkedek-kedek cari makanan and cari ayah lol. Lepas tu balik ~~~ THE END.

Basically short interview tu just untuk test kita punya english - grammar, pronunciation and yadda yadda. But don't worry if you think you're not good in English. Ada je yg pronunciation xberapa elok tapi yg penting confident kena kuad. Orait itu sahaja.

  1. Be confident. Jangan over sudah.
  2. Practice your speaking skills. Sbb engrish iz importante 4 ur lyfe.
  3. Ambil tahu pasal your course, just in case if the interviewer will ask you anything that is related to your course. (luckily tak kena yeay!!)
  4. Pergi sana awal pagi because why? Dapat group awal and after habis semua session boleh balik awal /HOYEAHH/ (Oh ikut sesi jugak, kalau sesi petang pun datang je awal. Be punctual okay tak ada masalah pun)
  5. Don't forget to eat breakfast. Pasaipa? Pasai kat sana tak disediakan makanan hahaha. Yang ada un gerai kecik luar dewan tapi gerai tu jual burger je(?) and bukak lambat. Basically kome datang terus line up and masuk dewan so you don't have much time to eat unless kalau kome ni mmg jenis suka curi-curi makan dalam kelas then bwk senyap2 okay hahahah.
  6. Practice probability (math & add math) for TSA questions. It'll help you A LOT!!!
  7. Hmm basically stationery jgn lupa nak bawak, including calculator. Senang sikit takdelah nak meminjam barang orang.
  8. Hmm practice sample TSA and CPSQ questions. Senang je, download online ok.
  9. Ok kalau x dpt toksah sedih, pasaipa ? Mostly ramai akan dapat since UTP ni IPTS~~~ But ada yang tak dapat jugak, kalau tak dapat, maybe bukan rezeki.

~~~~ I got the offer (Foundation of ICT) Alhamdulillah but i have to reject the offer because I want to wait for UPU result/IPG. (PSYCHOLOGY COME TO MAMA lol) and the foundation+degree fees are so expensive. I KENOT. so bai bai utp it's okay i'm currently having a love-hate relationship with humans and i want to pursue my tertiary study in bachelor of psychology so yeah. (I HOPE I CAN GET MY UPU FIRST CHOICE :: FOUNDATION OF HUMAN SCIENCES IN IIUM!!! CAN'T WAIT TO STUDY THERE~~~~~)

Okay thanks for reading. (this is my first post walaoo) okay bai strangerz X! Sorry kalau rasa menyampah dengan penggunaan Manglish (Malay + english haha). Goodbye homies!

lol sorry saje letak nama kawan ''lady H''